Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Copernicus Connection Under Construction Blogdate 04092011.2247

Happy to let all those out there interested that I am feverishly working on the sequel to The Nostradamus Revelation... If all goes well, The Copernicus Connection: An Omega Sector Thriller should be available as an eBook by the end of the year... In the meantime, thanks to all for making The Nostradamus Revelation: An Omega Sector Thriller an international bestseller!! 70 copies sold since its debut on Februrary 4th, 2011, and counting (ranked 25,454 out of 750,000 Kindle books on Looking for my new novel, Advent of Storms: Book One of the Dawning Days, available soon in all eBook formats... And remember, Let your dreams take you where your reality cannot!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved The Nostradamus Revelation and am eagerly awaiting the Copernicus Connection. Thanks for a wonderful read.
